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27.05.09 »
5th Gear Shoot
Today my uncle, took me all the way to Suffolk, it took 3 hours to get there,
but was really worth it. We went to meet Jason Plato, Vicki Butler-Henderson and
Tiff Needell and watch them film an episode of 5th Gear.

The shoot was about the anniversary of the the movie "The Italian Job" and
they had 3 Mini's in which they carried out lots of stunts.

It was awesome to watch them do stunts in the Mini's, in fact one of them
bumped a Mini against a table whilst carrying out a handbrake turn. After that
exhilarating moment we all went to Jay’s Cafe (a nice greasy spoon) and had some
lunch and a drink. Then, Jason, my uncle, and I went to see the disused nuclear
bunkers and dismantled fighter jets on the airfield.

Click image to view video
(turn sound down due to excessive wind noise)
Unfortunately the weather was not so good but the day was toped off when
Jason Plato took me for a spin in his AMG CL65 and hit 153mph on the runway,
which is the fastest I have been in a car, to date...
Both Jason and Vicki started young, they learnt their skills on the go-kart
track, so now I intend on practice, practice, practice, so that I can be as good
as they are.
The episode will air sometime in June, maybe in the second week.
